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Mayor Rob Ford calls public drunkenness a ‘minor setback’

Post by AmmeA »

Mayor Rob Ford calls public drunkenness a ‘minor setback’


Toronto Mayor Rob Ford dismissed his latest public drunken incident as a "minor setback," but otherwise refused to address the elephant in the executive committee chambers, Wednesday afternoon.
“Monday was unfortunate. I had a minor setback,” Ford said after a day-long budget debate punctuated by strained interactions with the media.
"I am telling the Toronto residents that I am still working hard every day to improve my health and my well being."
Ford, who last year admitted to smoking crack, drinking to excess and lying about his history with drugs and alcohol, has vowed to go sober and had claimed he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol since November.
That changed on Monday, when he was videotaped in the Steak Queen restaurant in Rexdale, visibly intoxicated and going on a vulgar, offensive rant in a Jamaican accent.

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